Source code for spec2nexus.eznx

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

(Easy NeXus) support reading & writing NeXus HDF5 files using h5py

:predecessor: NeXus h5py example code: ```` [#]_

.. [#]

.. rubric:: Dependencies

* h5py: interface to HDF5 file format

.. rubric:: Exceptions raised

* None

.. rubric:: Example


    root = eznx.makeFile('test.h5', creator='eznx', default='entry')
    nxentry = eznx.makeGroup(root, 'entry', 'NXentry', default='data')
    ds = eznx.write_dataset(nxentry, 'title', 'simple test data')
    nxdata = eznx.makeGroup(nxentry, 'data', 'NXdata', signal='counts', axes='tth', tth_indices=0)
    ds = eznx.write_dataset(nxdata, 'tth', [10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3], units='degrees')
    ds = eznx.write_dataset(nxdata, 'counts', [1, 50, 1000, 5], units='counts', axes="tth")

.. index:: NeXus structure; SPEC data

The resulting (binary) data file has this structure::

    test.h5:NeXus data file
      @creator = eznx
      @default = 'entry'
        @NX_class = NXentry
        @default = 'data'
        title:NX_CHAR = simple test data
          @NX_class = NXdata
          @signal = 'counts'
          @axes = 'tth'
          @tth_indices = 0
          counts:NX_INT64[4] = [1, 50, 1000, 5]
            @units = counts
            @axes = tth
          tth:NX_FLOAT64[4] = [10.0, 10.1, 10.199999999999999, 10.300000000000001]
            @units = degrees

.. rubric::  Classes and Methods


import h5py  # HDF5 support
import numpy
import six

[docs]def makeFile(filename, **attr): """ create and open an empty NeXus HDF5 file using h5py Any named parameters in the call to this method will be saved as attributes of the root of the file. Note that ``**attr`` is a dictionary of named parameters. :param str filename: valid file name :param dict attr: optional dictionary of attributes :return: h5py file object """ obj = h5py.File(filename, "w") addAttributes(obj, **attr) return obj
[docs]def makeGroup(parent, name, nxclass, **attr): """ create a NeXus group Any named parameters in the call to this method will be saved as attributes of the group. Note that ``**attr`` is a dictionary of named parameters. :param obj parent: parent group :param str name: valid NeXus group name :param str nxclass: valid NeXus class name :param dict attr: optional dictionary of attributes :return: h5py group object """ obj = parent.create_group(name) obj.attrs["NX_class"] = nxclass addAttributes(obj, **attr) return obj
[docs]def openGroup(parent, name, nx_class, **attr): """open or create the NeXus/HDF5 group, return the object :param obj parent: h5py parent object :param str name: valid NeXus group name to open or create :param str nxclass: valid NeXus class name (base class or application definition) :param dict attr: optional dictionary of attributes """ try: group = parent[name] addAttributes(group, **attr) except KeyError: group = makeGroup(parent, name, nx_class, **attr) return group
[docs]def makeDataset(parent, name, data=None, **attr): """ create and write data to a dataset in the HDF5 file hierarchy Any named parameters in the call to this method will be saved as attributes of the dataset. :param obj parent: parent group :param str name: valid NeXus dataset name :param obj data: the information to be written :param dict attr: optional dictionary of attributes :return: h5py dataset object """ if data is None: obj = parent.create_dataset(name, data="") attr["NOTE"] = "no data supplied, value set to empty string" else: # storing-a-list-of-strings-to-a-hdf5-dataset-from-python # # [n.encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in data] def encoder(value): if isinstance(value, six.string_types): return value.encode("ascii", "ignore") return value if not isinstance(data, (tuple, list, numpy.ndarray)): data = [ data, ] obj = parent.create_dataset(name, data=list(map(encoder, data))) addAttributes(obj, **attr) return obj
[docs]def write_dataset(parent, name, data, **attr): """write to the NeXus/HDF5 dataset, create it if necessary, return the object :param obj parent: h5py parent object :param str name: valid NeXus dataset name to write :param obj data: the information to be written :param dict attr: optional dictionary of attributes """ if name in parent: # dataset already exists # delete it, any links to it may break del parent[name] dset = makeDataset(parent, name, data, **attr) return dset
[docs]def addAttributes(parent, **attr): """ add attributes to an h5py data item :param obj parent: h5py parent object :param dict attr: optional dictionary of attributes """ if isinstance(attr, dict): # attr is a dictionary of attributes for k, v in attr.items(): parent.attrs[k] = v
[docs]def read_nexus_field(parent, dataset_name, astype=None): """ get a dataset from the HDF5 parent group :param obj parent: h5py parent object :param str dataset_name: name of the dataset (NeXus field) to be read :param obj astype: option to return as different data type """ if dataset_name not in parent: return None dataset = parent[dataset_name] if len(dataset.shape) > 1: raise RuntimeError("unexpected %d-D data" % len(dataset.shape)) if dataset.size > 1: # as array if astype is not None: return dataset[...].astype(astype) arr = dataset[...] if dataset.dtype.char == "O": arr = [v.decode() for v in arr] return arr else: # as scalar v = dataset[()] if isinstance(v, numpy.ndarray): v = v[0] if isinstance(v, bytes): v = v.decode() if astype is not None: v = astype(v) return v
[docs]def read_nexus_group_fields(parent, name, fields): """ return the fields in the NeXus group as a dict(name=dataset) This routine provides a mass way to read a directed list of datasets (NeXus fields) in an HDF5 group. :param obj parent: h5py parent object :param str name: name of the group containing the fields :param [name] fields: list of field names to be read :returns: dictionary of {name:dataset} :raises KeyError: if a field is not found """ group = parent[name] return {key: read_nexus_field(group, key) for key in fields}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # :author: Pete R. Jemian # :email: # :copyright: (c) 2014-2022, Pete R. Jemian # # Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------