Source code for spec2nexus.plugin

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# :author:    Pete R. Jemian
# :email:
# :copyright: (c) 2014-2020, Pete R. Jemian
# Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

define the plug-in architecture

Use :class:`spec2nexus.plugin.ControlLineHandler` as a metaclass
to create a plugin handler class for each SPEC control line.
In each such class, it is necessary to:

* define a string value for the ``key`` (class attribute)
* override the definition of :meth:`process`

It is optional to:

* define :meth:`postprocess`
* define :meth:`writer`
* define :meth:`match_key`

.. rubric:: Classes

.. autosummary::


.. rubric:: Exceptions

.. autosummary::



from collections import OrderedDict
import logging
import re

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PluginException(Exception): """parent exception for this module"""
[docs]class DuplicateControlLinePlugin(PluginException): """This control line handler has been used more than once."""
[docs]class DuplicateControlLineKey(PluginException): """This control line key regular expression has been used more than once."""
[docs]class DuplicatePlugin(PluginException): """This plugin file name has been used more than once."""
[docs]class PluginKeyNotDefined(PluginException): """Must define 'key' in class declaration."""
[docs]class PluginProcessMethodNotDefined(PluginException): """Must define 'process()' method in class declaration."""
[docs]class PluginDuplicateKeyError(PluginException): """This plugin key has been used before."""
[docs]class PluginBadKeyError(PluginException): """The plugin 'key' value is not acceptable."""
plugin_manager = None
[docs]def get_plugin_manager(): """ get the instance of the plugin_manager (a singleton) Create instance of PluginManager() if necessary. Also, """ global plugin_manager if plugin_manager is None: plugin_manager = PluginManager() if len(plugin_manager.registry) == 0: # Now is the time to load all plugins plugin_manager.load_plugins() return plugin_manager
[docs]class AutoRegister(type): """ plugin to handle a single control line in a SPEC data file This class is a metaclass to auto-register plugins to handle various parts of a SPEC data file. See :mod:`~spec2nexus.plugins.spec_common` for many examples. :param str key: regular expression to match a control line key, up to the first space :returns: None """ key = None def __init__(cls, *args): # args: name, bases, dict # logger.debug(" "*4 + "."*10) # logger.debug(f"__init__: cls={cls}") # logger.debug(f"__init__: name={name}") # logger.debug(f"__init__: bases={bases}") # logger.debug(f"__init__: dict={dict}") manager = get_plugin_manager() manager.register_control_line_handler(cls) def __new__(metaname, classname, baseclasses, attrs): # logger.debug(" "*4 + "."*10) # logger.debug(f'__new__: metaname={metaname}') # logger.debug(f'__new__: classname={classname}') # logger.debug(f'__new__: baseclasses={baseclasses}') # logger.debug(f'__new__: attrs={attrs}') return type.__new__(metaname, classname, baseclasses, attrs) def __str__(self): return str(self.__name__)
[docs]class ControlLineHandler(object): """ base class for SPEC data file control line handler plugins define one ControlLineHandler class for each different type of control line :param str key: regular expression to match a control line key, up to the first space :param [str] scan_attributes_defined: list of scan attributes defined in this class :returns: None EXAMPLE of ``match_key`` method: Declaration of the ``match_key`` method is optional in a subclass. This is used to test a given line from a SPEC data file against the ``key`` of each ``ControlLineHandler``. If this method is defined in the subclass, it will be called instead of :meth:`~spec2nexus.plugin.PluginManager.match_key()`. This is the example used by :class:`~spec2nexus.plugins.spec_common.SPEC_DataLine`:: def match_key(self, text): try: float( text.strip().split()[0] ) return True except ValueError: return False """ key = None scan_attributes_defined = []
[docs] def process(self, text, spec_file_obj, *args, **kws): """*required:* handle this line from a SPEC data file""" raise NotImplementedError("must override in subclass")
[docs] def postprocess(self, header, *args, **kws): """*optional:* additional processing deferred until *after* data file has been read""" raise NotImplementedError("must override in subclass")
[docs] def writer(self, h5parent, writer, scan, nxclass=None, *args, **kws): """*optional:* Describe how to store this data in an HDF5 NeXus file""" raise NotImplementedError("must override in subclass")
[docs]class PluginManager(object): """ Manage the set of SPEC data file control line plugins .. rubric:: Class Methods .. autosummary:: ~get ~getKey ~load_plugins ~match_key ~process ~register_control_line_handler """ def __init__(self): global plugin_manager if plugin_manager is None: plugin_manager = self self.registry = ( OrderedDict() ) # dictionary of known ControlLineHandler subclasses self.lazy_attributes = []
[docs] def load_plugins(self): """ load all spec2nexus plugin modules called from :func:`spec2nexus.plugin.get_plugin_manager()` """ from . import spec # issue #166: plugins are loaded here, NOT any earlier! # FIXME: find better way to load the plugins at the right time from . import plugins return self
[docs] def getKey(self, spec_data_file_line): """ Find the key that matches this line in a SPEC data file. Return None if not found. :param str spec_data_file_line: one line from a SPEC data file """ pos = spec_data_file_line.find(" ") if pos < 0: return None text = spec_data_file_line[:pos] # try to locate the key directly if text in self.registry: return text # brute force search and match using regular expressions return self.match_key(text)
[docs] def match_key(self, text): """ test if any handler's key matches text :param str text: first word on the line, up to but not including the first whitespace :returns: key or None Applies a regular expression match using each handler's ``key`` as the regular expression to match with ``text``. """ def _match_(text, handler): try: if handler().match_key(text): return handler.key except AttributeError: # ensure that #X and #XPCS do not both match #X full_pattern = "^" + handler.key + "$" t = re.match(full_pattern, text) # test regexp match to avoid false positives # ensures that beginning and end are different positions return t and t.regs[0][1] != t.regs[0][0] for key, handler in self.registry.items(): if _match_(text, handler): return key return None
[docs] def get(self, key): """return the handler identified by key or None""" return self.registry.get(key)
[docs] def process(self, key, *args, **kw): """pick the control line handler by key and call its process() method""" handler = self.get(key) if handler is not None: handler().process(*args, **kw)
[docs] def register_control_line_handler(self, handler): """ auto-registry of all AutoRegister plugins Called from AutoRegister.__init__ """ obj = handler() if not hasattr(obj, "key") or obj.key is None: emsg = "'key' not defined: " + obj.__class__.__name__ raise PluginKeyNotDefined(emsg) key = obj.key if key in self.registry: emsg = "duplicate key=%s: %s" % (key, obj.__class__) previous = self.registry[key]() emsg += ", previously defined: " + previous.__class__.__name__ raise PluginDuplicateKeyError(emsg) if len(key.strip().split()) != 1: emsg = "badly-formed 'key': received '%d'" % key raise PluginBadKeyError(emsg) if not hasattr(obj, "process"): emsg = ( "'process()' method not defined:" + obj.__class__.__name__ ) raise PluginProcessMethodNotDefined(emsg) for att in obj.scan_attributes_defined: if att not in self.lazy_attributes: self.lazy_attributes.append(att) self.registry[key] = handler