Source code for spec2nexus.specplot

#!/usr/bin/env python

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# :author:    Pete R. Jemian
# :email:
# :copyright: (c) 2014-2020, Pete R. Jemian
# Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Plot the data from scan N in a SPEC data file

.. autosummary::



.. autosummary::



import os
import numpy

from . import charts
from . import spec  # read SPEC data files
from . import singletons
from . import utils

[docs]class UnexpectedObjectTypeError(RuntimeError): """Incorrect Python object type: programmer error."""
[docs]class ScanAborted(RuntimeWarning): """Scan aborted before all points acquired."""
[docs]class NotPlottable(ValueError): """No plottable data for this scan."""
[docs]class NoDataToPlot(ValueError): """No data found."""
[docs]class Selector(singletons.Singleton): """ associate SPEC scan macro names with image makers :image maker: subclass of :class:`ImageMaker` To include a custom image maker from outside this module, create the subclass and then add it to an instance of this class. Such as this plotter that defaults to a logarithmic scale for the X axis for all `logxscan` macros: from spec2nexus import specplot class LogX_Plotter(specplot.ImageMaker): def x_log(self): return True # ... selector = specplot.Selector() selector.add('logxscan', LogX_Plotter) # ... image_maker = specplot.Selector().auto(scan) plotter = image_maker() plotter.plot_scan(scan, fullPlotFile) This class is a singleton which means you will always get the same instance when you call this class many times in your program. .. autosummary:: ~auto ~add ~update ~get ~exists ~default """ default_key = "__default__" def __init__(self): self.db = {} self.add(self.default_key, LinePlotter, default=True)
[docs] def auto(self, scan): """ automatically choose a scan image maker based on the SPEC scan macro Selection Rules: * macro ends with "scan": use :class:`LinePlotter` * macro ends with "mesh": use :class:`MeshPlotter` * default: use default image maker (initially :class:`LinePlotter`) """ if not isinstance(scan, (spec.SpecDataFileScan,)): msg = "expected a SPEC scan object, received: " msg += str(scan) raise UnexpectedObjectTypeError(msg) macro = scan.get_macro_name() if self.exists(macro): return self.get(macro) # adapt for different scan macros image_maker = self.default() if macro == "hklscan": image_maker = HKLScanPlotter elif macro.lower().endswith("scan"): image_maker = LinePlotter elif macro.lower().endswith("mesh"): image_maker = MeshPlotter # register this macro name self.add(macro, image_maker) return image_maker
[docs] def add(self, key, value, default=False): """ register a new value by key :param str key: name of key, typically the macro name :raises KeyError: if key exists :raises UnexpectedObjectTypeError: if value is not subclass of :class:`ImageMaker` """ if self.exists(key): raise KeyError("key exists: " + key) if not issubclass(value, ImageMaker): msg = "expected subclass of ImageMaker, received type: " msg += type(value).__name__ raise UnexpectedObjectTypeError(msg) self.db[key] = value if default: self.db[self.default_key] = value return value
[docs] def update(self, key, value, default=False): """ replace an existing key with a new value :param str key: name of key, typically the macro name :raises KeyError: if key does not exist :raises UnexpectedObjectTypeError: if value is not subclass of :class:`ImageMaker` """ if not self.exists(key): raise KeyError("key does not exist: " + key) if not issubclass(value, ImageMaker): msg = "expected subclass of ImageMaker, received type: " msg += type(value).__name__ raise UnexpectedObjectTypeError(msg) self.db[key] = value if default: self.db[self.default_key] = value return value
[docs] def get(self, key): """ return a value by key :returns: subclass of :class:`ImageMaker` or `None` if key not found """ return self.db.get(key)
[docs] def exists(self, key): """ is the key known? """ return key in self.db
[docs] def default(self): """ retrieve the value of the default key """ return self.get(self.default_key)
[docs]class ImageMaker(object): """ superclass to handle plotting of data from a SPEC scan .. rubric:: Internal data model :signal: name of the ``signal`` data (default data to be plotted) :data: values of various collected arrays {label: array} :axes: names of the axes of signal data .. rubric:: USAGE: #. Create a subclass of :class:`ImageMaker` #. Override any of these methods: .. autosummary:: ~data_file_name ~make_image ~plottable ~plot_options ~retrieve_plot_data .. rubric:: EXAMPLE :: class LinePlotter(ImageMaker): '''create a line plot''' def make_image(self, plotFile): ''' make MatPlotLib chart image from the SPEC scan :param obj plotData: object returned from :meth:`retrieve_plot_data` :param str plotFile: name of image file to write ''' assert(self.signal in assert(len(self.axes) == 1) assert(self.axes[0] in y =[self.signal] x =[self.axes[0]] xy_plot(x, y, plotFile, title = self.plot_title(), plot_subtitle = self.plot_subtitle(), xtitle = self.x_title(), ytitle = self.y_title(), xlog = self.x_log(), ylog = self.y_log(), timestamp_str = self.timestamp()) sfile = specplot.openSpecFile(specFile) scan = sfile.getScan(scan_number) plotter = LinePlotter() plotter.plot_scan(scan, plotFile, y_log=True) """ def __init__(self): self.scan = None self.settings = self._initialize_settings_() self.signal = None self.axes = [] = {} # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # support methods that a subclass might override
[docs] def data_file_name(self): """ the name of the file with the actual data Usually, this is the SPEC data file but it *could* be something else """ return self.scan.header.parent.fileName # self.scan.specFile
[docs] def make_image(self, plotFile): """ make MatPlotLib chart image from the SPEC scan The data to be plotted are provided in: * `self.signal` * `self.axes` * `` :param str plotFile: name of image file to write """ raise NotImplementedError( "must implement make_image() in each subclass" )
[docs] def plottable(self): """ can this data be plotted as expected? """ return False # override in subclass with specific tests
[docs] def plot_options(self): """ re-define any plot options in a subclass """ pass
[docs] def retrieve_plot_data(self): """ retrieve default plottable data from spec data file and store locally This method must retrieve the data to be plotted, either from the SPEC data file scan or from a file which name is provided in the scan detalis. These attributes must be set by this method: :data: dictionary containing values of the various collected arrays {label: array} :signal: name of the 'signal' data (default data to be plotted) :axes: names of the axes of signal data .. rubric:: Example data :: = { 'angle': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'counts': [0. 2. 55. 3. 0]} self.signal = 'counts' self.axes = ['angle'] Raise any of these exceptions as appropriate: .. autosummary:: ~NoDataToPlot ~NotPlottable ~ScanAborted """ raise NotImplementedError( "must implement retrieve_plot_data() in each subclass" )
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # support methods that will not need to be defined in a subclass
[docs] def data_is_newer_than_plot(self, plotFile): """only proceed if mtime of SPEC data file is newer than plotFile""" mtime_sdf = os.path.getmtime(self.data_file_name()) if os.path.exists(plotFile): mtime_pf = os.path.getmtime(plotFile) else: mtime_pf = 0 return mtime_sdf > mtime_pf
[docs] def plot_scan(self, scan, plotFile, maker=None): """ make an image plot of the data in the scan :param obj scan: instance of :class:`~spec2nexus.spec.SpecDataFileScan` :param str plotFile: file name for plot output """ if not isinstance(scan, (spec.SpecDataFileScan,)): raise UnexpectedObjectTypeError( "scan object not a SpecDataFileScan" ) if hasattr(scan, ABORTED_ATTRIBUTE_TEXT): match_text = "Scan aborted after 0 points." if scan.__getattribute__(ABORTED_ATTRIBUTE_TEXT) == match_text: raise ScanAborted(match_text) self.scan = scan self.set_plot_title(self.plot_title() or self.data_file_name()) self.set_plot_subtitle( self.plot_subtitle() or "#" + str(self.scan.scanNum) + ": " + self.scan.scanCmd ) self.set_timestamp(self.timestamp() or try: self.retrieve_plot_data() except KeyError as _exc: if hasattr(self.scan, ABORTED_ATTRIBUTE_TEXT): raise ScanAborted( self.scan.__getattribute__(ABORTED_ATTRIBUTE_TEXT) ) raise _exc self.plot_options() if self.plottable() and self.data_is_newer_than_plot(plotFile): self.make_image(plotFile)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # support the self.settings dictionary with get & set methods def _initialize_settings_(self): """ initial values are set to `None` subclasses that set a value should first check if the value has already been set unless explicitly replacing any customizations by the user """ return dict( title=None, subtitle=None, x_title=None, y_title=None, x_log=None, y_log=None, z_log=None, timestamp=None, ) # TODO: apply property and setter decorations
[docs] def plot_title(self): """Return the plot title.""" return self.settings["title"]
[docs] def set_plot_title(self, text): """Set the plot title.""" self.settings["title"] = text
[docs] def plot_subtitle(self): """Return the plot_subtitle.""" return self.settings["subtitle"]
[docs] def set_plot_subtitle(self, text): """Set the plot_subtitle.""" self.settings["subtitle"] = text
[docs] def x_title(self): """Return the title for the X axis.""" return self.settings["x_title"]
[docs] def set_x_title(self, text): """Set the x axis title.""" self.settings["x_title"] = text
[docs] def y_title(self): """Return the title for the Y axis.""" return self.settings["y_title"]
[docs] def set_y_title(self, text): """Set the y axis title.""" self.settings["y_title"] = text
[docs] def x_log(self): """Boolean: should the X axis be plotted on a log scale?""" return self.settings["x_log"]
[docs] def set_x_log(self, choice): """Set the x axis logarithmic if True.""" self.settings["x_log"] = choice
[docs] def y_log(self): """Boolean: should the Y axis be plotted on a log scale?""" return self.settings["y_log"]
[docs] def set_y_log(self, choice): """Set the y axis logarithmic if True.""" self.settings["y_log"] = choice
[docs] def z_log(self): """Boolean: should the Z axis (image) be plotted on a log scale?""" return self.settings["z_log"]
[docs] def set_z_log(self, choice): """Set the z axis (image) logarithmic if True.""" self.settings["z_log"] = choice
[docs] def timestamp(self): """Return the time of this scan as a string.""" return self.settings["timestamp"]
[docs] def set_timestamp(self, text): """Set the plot time stamp.""" self.settings["timestamp"] = text
[docs]class LinePlotter(ImageMaker): """ create a line plot """
[docs] def make_image(self, plotFile): """ make MatPlotLib chart image from the SPEC scan :param str plotFile: name of image file to write """ assert self.signal in assert len(self.axes) == 1 assert self.axes[0] in y =[self.signal] x =[self.axes[0]] ts = self.timestamp() charts.xy_plot( x, y, plotFile, title=self.plot_title(), subtitle=self.plot_subtitle(), xtitle=self.x_title(), ytitle=self.y_title(), xlog=self.x_log(), ylog=self.y_log(), timestamp_str=ts, )
[docs] def plottable(self): """ can this data be plotted as expected? """ if self.signal in signal =[self.signal] if ( signal is not None and len(signal) > 0 and len(self.axes) == 1 ): if len(signal) == len([self.axes[0]]): return True return False
[docs] def plot_options(self): """ define the settings for this, accepting any non-default values first """ self.x_title() or self.set_x_title(self.axes[0]) self.y_title() or self.set_y_title(self.signal) self.x_log() or self.set_x_log(False) self.y_log() or self.set_y_log(False) self.set_z_log(False)
[docs] def retrieve_plot_data(self): """retrieve default data from spec data file""" # plot last column v. first column assert isinstance(self.scan, spec.SpecDataFileScan) self.signal = self.scan.column_last if self.signal not in raise NoDataToPlot(str(self.scan)) self.axes = [ self.scan.column_first, ] = { label: for label in self.scan.L if label in }
[docs]class HKLScanPlotter(LinePlotter): """ create a line plot from hklscan macros """
[docs] def retrieve_plot_data(self): """retrieve default data from spec data file""" # standard hklscan macro handling # find the real scan axis, the one that changes for axis in "H K L".split(): data = if data is None: continue # could compare start & end from scanCmd, this looks simpler if min(data) != max(data): # tell it to use this axis instead self.axes = [ axis, ] break # if not found, default changes nothing if data is None: raise NotPlottable("no data in scan: " + str(self.scan)) if len(self.axes) == 0: # issue #99: file: lmn40.spe, scan 244, hkl all fixed axis = "data point number" data = range(1, 1 + len(["H"]))[axis] = data self.set_x_title(axis + " (hkl all held constant)") self.axes = [ axis, ] self.scan.column_first = axis[axis] = data self.signal = self.scan.column_last[self.signal] =[self.signal]
[docs]class MeshPlotter(ImageMaker): """ create a mesh plot (2-D image) ..rubric:: References: :mesh 2-D parser: :: mesh motor1 start1 end1 intervals1 motor2 start2 end2 intervals2 time :hklmesh 2-D parser: :: hklmesh Q1 start1 end1 intervals1 Q2 start2 end2 intervals2 time """ # see code in: writer.Writer.mesh() self._mesh_(scan)
[docs] def make_image(self, plotFile): """ make MatPlotLib chart image from the SPEC scan :param str plotFile: name of image file to write """ if len(self.axes) == 2: image =[self.signal] self.set_plot_subtitle( "%s, %s" % (self.signal, self.scan.raw.splitlines()[0]) ) self.set_x_title(self.axes[0]) self.set_y_title(self.axes[1]) charts.make_png( image, plotFile, [[axis] for axis in self.axes], title=self.plot_title(), subtitle=self.plot_subtitle(), timestamp_str=self.timestamp(), xtitle=self.x_title(), ytitle=self.y_title(), log_image=self.z_log(), ) elif len(self.axes) == 1: # fallback to 1-D plot y =[self.signal] x =[self.axes[0]] charts.xy_plot( x, y, plotFile, title=self.plot_title(), subtitle=self.plot_subtitle(), xtitle=self.x_title(), ytitle=self.y_title(), xlog=self.x_log(), ylog=self.y_log(), timestamp_str=self.timestamp(), )
[docs] def plottable(self): """ can this data be plotted as expected? """ try: assert self.signal in signal = numpy.array([self.signal]) assert len(self.axes) in (0, len(signal.shape)) for order, axis in enumerate(reversed(self.axes)): assert axis in assert signal.shape[order] == len([axis]) except Exception: return False return True
[docs] def plot_options(self): """ define the settings for this, accepting any non-default values first """ if len(self.axes) == 1: self.x_title() or self.set_x_title(self.axes[0]) self.y_title() or self.set_y_title(self.signal) elif len(self.axes) == 2: self.x_title() or self.set_x_title(self.axes[1]) self.y_title() or self.set_y_title(self.axes[0]) self.x_log() or self.set_x_log(False) self.y_log() or self.set_y_log(False) self.z_log() or self.set_z_log(False)
[docs] def retrieve_plot_data(self): """retrieve default data from spec data file data parser for 2-D mesh and hklmesh """ ( label1, _start1, _end1, intervals1, label2, _start2, _end2, intervals2, _time, ) = self.scan.scanCmd.split()[1:] if label1 not in label1 = self.scan.L[0] # mnemonic v. name if label2 not in label2 = self.scan.L[1] # mnemonic v. name axis1 = axis2 = intervals1, intervals2 = map(int, (intervals1, intervals2)) # unused: start1, end1, start2, end2, time = map(float, (start1, end1, start2, end2, time)) if len(axis1) < intervals1 and min(axis2) == max(axis2): # stopped scan before second row started, 1-D plot is better (issue #82) self.axes = [ label1, ] self.signal = self.scan.column_last[label1] =[label1][self.signal] =[self.signal] return axis1 = axis1[0 : intervals1 + 1][label1] = axis1 # 1-D array axis2 = [ axis2[row] for row in range(len(axis2)) if row % (intervals1 + 1) == 0 ][label2] = axis2 # 1-D array column_labels = self.scan.L column_labels.remove(label1) # special handling column_labels.remove(label2) # special handling if self.scan.scanCmd.startswith("hkl"): # find the reciprocal space axis held constant label3 = [ key for key in ("H", "K", "L") if key in column_labels ][0][label3] =[0] # constant # build 2-D data objects (do not build label1, label2, [or label3] as 2-D objects) data_shape = [len(axis2), len(axis1)] for label in column_labels: if label not in axis = numpy.array([label] = utils.reshape_data(axis, data_shape) else: pass self.signal = utils.clean_name(self.scan.column_last) self.axes = [label1, label2] if spec.MCA_DATA_KEY in # 3-D array(s) # save each spectrum for key, spectrum in sorted([spec.MCA_DATA_KEY].items() ): num_channels = len(spectrum[0]) data_shape.append(num_channels) mca = numpy.array(spectrum) data = utils.reshape_data(mca, data_shape) channels = range(1, num_channels + 1) ds_name = "_" + key + "_"[ds_name] = data[ds_name + "channel_"] = channels
# class NeXusPlotter(ImageMaker): # TODO: issue #92 # """ # create a plot from a NeXus HDF5 data file # """ # # def retrieve_plot_data(self): # """retrieve default data from spec data file""" # raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__ + '() is not ready') # # def make_image(self, plotFile): # """ # make image file from the SPEC scan # # :param str plotFile: name of image file to write # """ # raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__ + '() is not ready')
[docs]def openSpecFile(specFile): """ convenience routine so that others do not have to `import spec2nexus.spec` """ sd = spec.SpecDataFile(specFile) return sd
def main(): import argparse doc = __doc__.strip().splitlines()[0] p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=doc) p.add_argument("specFile", help="SPEC data file name") p.add_argument( "scan_number", help="scan number in SPEC file", type=str ) p.add_argument("plotFile", help="output plot file name") args = p.parse_args() sfile = openSpecFile(args.specFile) scan = sfile.getScan(args.scan_number) image_maker = Selector().auto(scan) plotter = image_maker() plotter.plot_scan(scan, args.plotFile) if __name__ == "__main__": main()